A sprue tree recently completed. Title and back plates for an upcoming large bronze sculptural piece entitled All Horizons Lost, Flesh Forever Found. Also the remake of The Ephemeral Knot title plate, and some other wax objects for future pieces.
Three sculpture title and name plates with a wax vertebrae and opossum manible.
A detail of the All Horizons Lost... title plate. Anterior and posterior heart views are sculpted on either side. This is the longest bronze plate I will have made, at 1.5" x 14".

The All Horizons Lost... plate on the sprue tree.

The Ephemeral Knot remake wax and the All Horizons Lost... name plate. Also a pine cone experiment. The pine cone should burn out into ash within the kiln.

A few small pieces for future sculptures. A leaf experiment, a vertebrae, and an opossum mandible.

The wax tree now in it's investment mold, waiting to go in the kiln at the University of Wisconsin foundry.